Saturday 28 January 2012

The Six Main Reasons You Should Avoid Processed Honey and Buy Raw Honey

The Six Main Reasons You Should Avoid
Processed Honey and Buy Raw Honey

  • Your body won't absorb the 22 amino acids, 27 minerals and significant traces of B vitamins because ultra filtration will have removed the pollen that contains these benefitial compounds. And it is pollen that gives honey its sublime flavour.
  • Your body won't absorb the natural enzymes in honey because they will have been destroyed by pasturisation. Honey has up to 5,000 enzymes, some of which have a positive effect on the human body. For example:
    - glucose oxidase is an enzyme in raw honey that releases a mild form of hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid. This aids healing of external and internal wounds and infections. Enzymes in honey also aid digestion because the sugars in the honey are already partly predigested by the action of the enzymes.

  • You won't be benefiting from the other natural anti-bacterial qualities of honey. Honey kills bacteria because it draws water out of infections and wounds depriving bacteria of the moisture they need to thrive.
  • You may be eating a product that may have some residue of the antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals fed to 'factory farmed' bees.
  • Factory farmed bees endure harsh conditions, all their honey is taken and they are fed sugar rather than honey in the winter. But they need honey to stay fit and get through the winter. Often the bees are simply killed before the honey is extracted.
  • You don't know where your honey has come from and many countries simply don't have rigorous standards or monitoring. Most processed honey is a blend of different honeys from different countries. Instances have been found of honey that has been adulterated with sugar.

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